Saturday, February 11, 2012

Las matemáticas del amor (SVM III: 10/14)

Uno de los entremeses comico-musicales del programa estadounidense Square One TV trataba de una canción romántica que va a ser el éxito en Roma, pero como el cantante es fenicio, no capta la numeración:


I night, the stars were glowing.
II hearts, were overflowing.
III words, hit like a bolt from above.

IV arms, were hugging tightly.
V times, I kissed you lightly.
So goes, the mathematics of love.

I, II, III, IVever, I’ll keep on counting the ways.
M nights I’ll hold you, and love you all of my days.

I night, the moon was shining,
II hearts, were entertwining,
So goes, the mathematics of love.

VII, VIII, IX, Xderly, I’ll hold the memory of,
The I night II hearts pondered, the mathematics of love.

I, II, III, IVever, the mathematics of love.
The mathematics of love.

video via [tiradorfranco2]

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